Sunday 31 January 2016

Introducing Rick Haynes

Today it's my pleasure to introduce a new writer- well, not new really, but new to me, anyway. Rick Haynes, like me, is a keen writer of short fiction, and he has given me a drabble - a tiny, miniature story - to post here.

The dog always sat on the windowsill, waiting.
The old lady opposite called him Rocco.
On the few occasions when out paths crossed she barely spoke, especially when asked about her dog.
Looking up when mowing the lawns, Rocco would always respond to my wave with a tail wag. Strange that I could be so fond of an animal that I had never met.
When Rocco disappeared I feared the worst.
Mrs. Smith was buried today.
And Rocco is no longer here.
It may be a little while but soon he will be mine, his days of waiting gone forever.

About the author, in his Own Write:

Hi, my name is Rick Haynes; welcome to the world of my imagination
I was born way back before time meant anything. One zillion reincarnations later, I think ... I know who I am.
My passion is heroic fantasy and my first novel ‘Evil Never Dies’ was released last summer. I write Drabbles, those little 100 word gems, and have published two collections entitled, Drabbles ‘N’ Shorts and Shorts ‘N’ Drabbles.
So laugh loudly, love always, live long.
But never forget to read.
So do buy books, read the stories and enjoy the magic of words.

You can find Rick's published work at AMAZON.

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